IC Diamond Thermal Compound is Compared for Performance on 11 PC Hardware Sites Against an Assortment of Thermal Pastes.

Toms Hardware IC Diamond 24 Compared to 85 other thermal compounds


Play3r.net-IC Diamond Compared to 24 other Compounds
Tom’s Hardware-IC Diamond Compared to 36 other Compounds
XBITLABS -IC Diamond Compared to 15 other Compounds
HWREVIEWLABS-IC Diamond Compared to 43 other Compounds
REXWARE-IC Diamond Compared to 10 other Compounds
CPUsers.gr-IC Diamond Compared to 34 other Compounds
HardwareLogic-IC Diamond Compared to 24 other Compounds
AMDZONE-IC Diamond Compared to Arctic Silver 5
CHLODZENIE.NET- IC Diamond Compared to 21 other Compounds
FrazPC.pl- IC Diamond Compared to 6 other Compounds
OverlockersTec-IC Diamond Compared to 3 other Compounds